How do I use ACO's Service Desk to Submit Product and Label Assessments ?

If you already have an account go straight to step 2

  1. Go to the ACO Service Desk

  2. Click on the Sign up for an account link

  3. Enter your username and password then click the Sign Up button

Congratulations ! You have just created your Service Desk Account. Now you can log in and submit your products and labels for assessment.

  1. Go to the ACO Service Desk

  2. On the page that opens, click "Request for Assessment"

  3. Fill in the details, attach your documentation, and make sure you click the box for "Labels(s) for review" or "Product(s) for review" which ever is applicable.

  4. Click the "Create" button.

You have just submitted your new product for approval by ACO. Keep a lookout for a confirmation email. If you don't get an email confirming your submission witing 30 minutes, then please contact us.